Due to the diverse natural landscape, Jericho city and its surrounding areas are a popular hiking and trekking destination.
Trails include hiking through canyons, climbing obstacles, following aqueducts, and walking miles in the desert. Attractions along these trails include shrines, monasteries, water sources, and local communities. The area is also home to a rich variety of natural elements and is a marvelous destination for exploring the endogenous flora and fauna.
Explore the hiking trails in and around Jericho and the Jordan Valley:


Hiking Wadi Qelt – 6 | 8 | 12 Km

Hike Wadi Qelt, one of Palestine's most famous walking trails. Explore the spectacular natural landscape, and how it provided refuge & solitude to
5.00 / 3 reviews
per person

Nabi Musa Sunrise Trail (Wadi Mukallik)

Start off at Maqam An-Nabi Musa, a serene historical shrine in the desert, just before sunrise. Join a local bedouin guide and start

Mount of Temptation Off-road Sunrise Trail

Leave from Jericho just before sunrise on an off-road trail to catch the very first rays of light from the summit of the
per person

Hiking Wadi Auja

Hike from Ein Samia, into the Jordan Valley, and ending at the Auja spring.

Night Hikes in Wadi Auja

Experience the night wildlife of the Auja Valley, enjoy a bonfire and a warm tea, visit local inhabitants of the valley for a late

The Nativity Trail (26 OCT – 06 NOV 2023)

The Nativity Trail is an eleven-day walking journey of approximately 160 km from Nazareth, the City of the Annunciation to Bethlehem, the City

Introduction to Rock Climbing in Palestine

Get acquainted with Palestine's new rock climbing sites & community
per person

Hiking Galilee: The Qarn Valley

Explore one of the most beautiful landscapes in the upper Galilee mountains. This tour combines the fascinating history of the Crusaders with breathtaking
per person